NIE Number Application Fee Reduced to 9.18 €

26th of July 2011

A quick post to let applicants know that the NIE Number fee payable on every new application has been reduced from €16.00 to 9.18 €. This fee on new NIE applications is paid at your local bank branch office through Form 790 (Modelo 790), form which is collected at the police station in which you apply for your NIE number. The old amount had been in force since February 2010, in which the it was set to €16.00. If you decide to apply in person, don't forget to take €9.18 and collect Form 790 from the post office.

New NIE Number Application Form Approved (July 2011)

14th of July 2011

The Police Station has released today a public notice in which it states that a new NIE Number Application Form has been approved. This form can be downloaded from the Immigration Secretary of State’s website or at the bottom of this post. This new NIE form is introduced as part of the modifications approved by the Royal Decree 557/2011, of the 20th April, of the Rules and Regulations or Rights of Foreigners in Spain and their social integration, after the reform approved in Law 2/2009, modifications which include the reduction of two years of residency for those who wish to legalize their status in Spain after having worked illegally in Spain, and the possibility for parents of children of Spanish citizenship to apply for their residency by family settlement. With regards to NIE Numbers, the new law also mentions changes in the application process, specifically in which offices the NIE number can be applied for. It does not mention, however, if the NIE applications can be submitted by a representative on behalf of the applicant via a power of attorney, nor how long can it take to get an appointment at the consular office. We confirm that we continue to offer our service as normal. Documents

New Regulations on NIE Number Applications in Force on July 1, 2011

1st of July 2011

A new regulation has been issued in the National Bulletin of State in Spain (BOE), establishing that as from the 1st of July of the current year, NIE applications will be filed personally by the applicant at the corresponding police station and in the event the applicant is out of Spain, the application will be submitted at the closest Spanish Embassy or Consulate.

However, it does not make any mention as to whether a power of attorney will or not be valid as a means of obtaining the NIE number. This is causing general confusion, even amongst certain police stations which have chosen to continue offering the service until they receive further notice from their head office.

The regulation can be found in article 206 of the Royal Decree 557/2011.

We confirm that the said law has not been applied at today’s date in this particular area and as a result, we have decided to continue offering this service. In the event that this regulation was finally implemented, we would refund the NIE number fees and the shipping costs engaged to deliver your NIE number. Unfortunately we cannot refund any other costs which are not directly related to our service, such as Notary fees or shipping costs of the documents. Please consider whether this option is in your interest.

If you are in no rush and decide to wait, please feel free to contact us on the following days for an update.